KatPadi's Point

The Struggle Is Rails

Late last year, I’ve decided to put “Learn A New Language” in my goals for 2014. I thought I had all the confidence to do it– to take another step towards improving my programming skills tremendously, and learn another language. My officemates know Rails (Ruby) and I can easily ask them whenever they’re free. One…

.gitignore All The Files!

This is an example of a .gitignore file that will ignore all files except the ones you specify. This is what I’ve been using for my WordPress development. Note: This is a product of constant research (aka Google-ing) and failed development practices. /* !.gitignore !themes themes/* !themes/katpadi-theme The first line says that it will ignore ALL…

Pi Day 2014

Pi Day is celebrated every 14th of March because it is a math constant whose basic approximation is 3.14. March = 3, day = 14 During our early years, we learned about pi from our geometry class. But π has a lot more to offer than that! One interesting thing about it is the fact…

The D’Antoni Special

In case you have been living under a rock, the Lakers have already sent Steve Blake to the Warriors in exchange for two young players, namely Marshon Brooks and Kent Bazemore. (News link: Lakers trade Steve Blake to the Warriors) They are both bench players from the Warriors averaging 2.6 ppg (7 games in GSW and 2.1 ppg in 2…