KatPadi's Point

WordPress x NGINX

After being a complete pain in the ass, I was finally able to make both my blog.katpadi.ph and katpadi.ph work! WordPress x NGINX, bitch! Here are the things I learned (the hard way): The magic happens inside the “sites-available” directory. A file called “default” (it can be named anything) has the important stuff to be…

Hello DigitalOcean!

Creating A Droplet Screenshot

It’s not uncommon for people to start from a shared hosting. I did! I used 1freehosting for quite a while until it couldn’t handle my stuff anymore. I mean, not the traffic, just the overall things that I want to do (and deploy). This week, I officially said goodbye to 1freehosting. (Please don’t judge me). Thnks…

DxS: The Coffee Slayer

A clone of the game Heavy Bird created using the Phaser framework which is a clone of the widely-popular game Flappy Bird. It’s basically cloneception! Anyway, the main difference is that it doesn’t score up when you get pass a tower. It scores++ when you collect Starbucks drinks. I also made it shake and throw random blocks when you…

Hackathon #2

I was part of another hackathon last weekend. This was my 2nd for the year. Same main sponsor, different result. My partner and I lost. #huhubels The hackathon event was called TadHack. GlobeLabs was one of the many remote sites that they partnered with. The event is a little bit different because the mechanics were…

API Limitation Is Not A Cliché

Working with APIs can be both fun and a pain in the ass. This is a story of how I flirted with APIs and got schooled so bad. Facebook’s Graph API Facebook doesn’t have a search hashtag function but they have a search endpoint. Wait, they HAD a search post endpoint. Facebook apparently upgraded their…

My First Hackathon Experience

Last Friday (May 9, 2014), I attended my first ever hackathon. The event is part of the “The 1st Philippine TechCamp : Disaster Risk Reduction and Response for Resilience Building”. Anyway, I was lucky enough to be paired with Steve who’s a “veteran“ when it comes to these kinds of events. #TechCamp Hackathon Day 1 The…

The Nash Equilibrium

There have been a lot of articles circulating around Steve Nash’s future after this season. Google “Steve Nash lakers” and you’ll see what I’m talking about. Lakers have several options on how to better handle his contract during the early parts of the season, but no course of action has been taken by the management…

TIL about wp_list_pluck

Today I learned about a powerful WordPress function that can create a new array from an object. According to its WP Codex description, it does the ff: Pluck a certain field out of each object in a list (Kind of a straightforward definition lol) // Say this is our array $player_info = array( array( ‘name’ => ‘Kobe Bryant’,…