Late last year, I’ve decided to put “Learn A New Language” in my goals for 2014. I thought I had all the confidence to do it– to take another step towards improving my programming skills tremendously, and learn another language. My officemates know Rails (Ruby) and I can easily ask them whenever they’re free. One…
I Caught Pi Today! 3.1415927
by Kat Padilla • • 0 Comments
March 3, 2014 means it is Pi Day! I was able to catch 7 decimal places of π today by echo-ing date + format in Linux. Haha. I waited for the 14th day of March at 1:59 PM and 26 seconds for this! I only thought of doing this after my officemate told me about someone who…
.gitignore All The Files!
by Kat Padilla • • 0 Comments
This is an example of a .gitignore file that will ignore all files except the ones you specify. This is what I’ve been using for my WordPress development. Note: This is a product of constant research (aka Google-ing) and failed development practices. /* !.gitignore !themes themes/* !themes/katpadi-theme The first line says that it will ignore ALL…
Pi Day 2014
by Kat Padilla • • 0 Comments
Pi Day is celebrated every 14th of March because it is a math constant whose basic approximation is 3.14. March = 3, day = 14 During our early years, we learned about pi from our geometry class. But π has a lot more to offer than that! One interesting thing about it is the fact…
Toys & Games
Jazzpunk — The Weirdest Game I’ve Played
by Kat Padilla • • 0 Comments
I recently bought this game called Jazzpunk when it went 20% off on Steam. I was powerless with my credit card that time because of the plethora of Steam ads and tweets promoting it. Obviously, their marketing worked on me. I bought it. Or maybe, I just like weird. So, there. The game description says: Jazzpunk is…
Lakers Ph.D.
The D’Antoni Special
by Kat Padilla • • 0 Comments
In case you have been living under a rock, the Lakers have already sent Steve Blake to the Warriors in exchange for two young players, namely Marshon Brooks and Kent Bazemore. (News link: Lakers trade Steve Blake to the Warriors) They are both bench players from the Warriors averaging 2.6 ppg (7 games in GSW and 2.1 ppg in 2…
WP Local Instance Installer
by Kat Padilla • • 0 Comments
Of course, I am back to my WP projects. I’ve had some taste of RoR for the past few weeks but all things come to an end. At least for now. Our QA engineer once wanted to install a copy of the site that I was developing but we didn’t have the staging server up…
Adventures in Semi-Automatic WP Deployment
by Kat Padilla • • 0 Comments
I am back to doing WP projects and it’s just now that I realize that I need to make things simpler. Enter site deployment. For me, deployment is the most tedious part of development. Coding is fun but I hate WP deployment mainly because it is such a pain in the ass. This is why…
Lakers Ph.D.
Will The Real Lakers Fan Please Stand Up?
by Kat Padilla • • 0 Comments
The thing that separates fair-weather fans from true fans is the ability to stick with the team through adversity. No ifs, no buts. TRUE FANS STICK AROUND. BANDWAGON FANS The other kind of “fans” which are infamously called bandwagon fans are those who will fade into the darkness and probably root for a winning team…
Use of Symlink in WP Development
by Kat Padilla • • 0 Comments
In a perfect world, one should not edit the WordPress core so it is just proper to separately develop, update and version control the plugins and themes. With that said, WordPress development can be a pain in the ass when it comes to migrating, testing or deployment. The placing of things and permissions, etc. can…