So, I’ve been tinkering with my Raspberry Pi for the past couple of days. This weekend, I started with my time-lapse video generator using Raspberry Pi and its camera module. Taking snapshots is easy because RPi has a built-in raspistill command: raspistill -hf -vf -x -o melody.jpg There are many options which you can find here. When I connected the camera…
Tag: raspberry pi
Code, Toys & Games
Setting Up Raspbian on Raspberry Pi
by Kat Padilla • • 0 Comments
The very first thing that I did was to download an OS that my Raspberry Pi will use. There are many options like NOOBS and Ubuntu Mate but everyone’s sold with Raspbian so I chose it as well. Setting Up Raspbian on Raspberry Pi After I’m done downloading the OS here, using was not as easy as transferring it…
Code For Fun, Yo!
by Kat Padilla • • 0 Comments
So I came across a post that basically tells me that it’s perfectly normal to experiment for fun. She wrote some steps as to how it will help a developer RELAX. =P Pick a technology or language and work within the confines of that language Don’t set an end goal You are done when you…