Apple just announced that their latest iPad will have a 2048×1536 pixel Retina display. Imagine, that’s a total 3.1 million pixels in a full color IPS screen while 1080p has 2.9 million pixels only. It’s quite the best resolution there is among the tablets so far. DAMN. HOT. HOT. DAMN.
So, is it worth the upgrade? If you are going to buy the iPad for the first time and you have every peso to spend, then you might find the “new iPad” a worthy purchase. For iPad2 owners, it might not be very practical to upgrade unless you’re in love with retina display so much. So if you don’t care about higher resolutions, iPad2 might be just right for you. Plus, you get to save 5K or so because I heard the iPad2 prices are going down soon.
Anyway, going back to the fun stuff… Before the announcement, people have been guessing how Apple will call their new iPad. They have been calling it iPad HD, iPad 2s, iPad 3 but trolling Apple just called it “the new iPad”.
Very crafty, right?
For what it’s worth, Apple did not only improve the iPad’s display, it also upgraded its processor to A5X. Its CPU is still dual-core. Only the GPU has been upgraded to quad-core. People might mistake it as having a quad-core processor. You know it’s Apple, so their statements are quite misleading. I mean confusing. Sorry.
This is not a tech blog post, okay?