First things first. Congrats to Dirk Nowitzki and the rest of the Mavs team.
Dirk and Kidd finally got their long-overdue Larry O’Brien trophy.
Meanwhile, LeBron still has none. And he’s blaming God and destiny for his misfortune. #whatupdude
“The Greater Man upstairs know when it’s my time. Right now isn’t the time.” -LeBron
This destiny-believing dude is the same guy who promised multiple championships for the Miami franchise. Remember? Not 1, not 2, not 3… so there, he got 0. #blameitondestiny
“Not one, not two, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven…and when I say that I really believe. I’m not just up here blowing smoke at none of these fans because that’s not what I’m about. I’m about beeeeezness [translation: business] and we believe we can win multiple championships if we take care of business and do it the right way.” -LeBron
Although, yeah, he’s just… what? 26? Maybe someday he’ll win a ring but all those stupid stuff that he said to the media will come back and haunt him forever. He needs to learn how to talk to the media with class and let his game do the talking.
LBJ = epitome of pure self destruction
Okaaaay. Enough of the hating… AGAIN, thanks to Dirk and his gang for kicking LeBron’s ass. #LBJhater I bet I’m not the only one who’s happy about this. #hihihihi
My hard disk is still f’d up. I’m done fixing it. I WON’T BE ABLE TO RECOVER MY FILES ANYMORE. #finallygivingup #thelebronattitude
I bought something last Friday. #happiness
Usapang X-Men: First Class
I knew it! The moment I saw Alex’s mutant power, I knew he’s someone related to Cyclops.
So I googled it…
Alex Summers is Havok aka Cyclops’ younger brother. But the producer of First Class said that them “being brothers” won’t fit the movie’s timeline. Uhm, so they decided not to make them brothers in the film even though they are brothers in the Marvel comics. #nowimconfused #howcanhefuckinchangehavoksrelationshiptocyclops
BTW, the actor portraying Alex (or Havok) in X-Men: First Class is Lucas Till… aka that-good-looking-guy-from-taylor-swift’s-you-belong-with-me-video #landi
And yes, that Tony Stonem guy from Skins played the role of Hank aka Beast in X-Men: First Class. #nerd
Ok. Going back to LeBron. Yes. I’m not yet done bashing “THE KING”. He said something stupid again.
“At the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today.” -LeBron
My interpretation…
Fuck y’all! When y’all wake up the next day, you f#ckin’ haters will still be poor while I am still THE (ringless) KING…. #KingwithNoRing