KatPadi's Point

Tag: Wordpress

TIL about wp_list_pluck

Today I learned about a powerful WordPress function that can create a new array from an object. According to its WP Codex description, it does the ff: Pluck a certain field out of each object in a list (Kind of a straightforward definition lol) // Say this is our array $player_info = array( array( ‘name’ => ‘Kobe Bryant’,…

WP and Bearer Token

So here’s some quick stuff regarding a simple function in WP. WP’s wp_remote_request retrieves raw response from the HTTP request. Goal: To make an HTTP request to a URL and get back the response using Bearer token. I am writing it down because I had a hard time finding how to do it. All the…

Stupid Mistake

Every once in a while, we make mistakes.  It can happen to anyone of us. Hearts may break because of one’s stupid mistake. This is the story of one of my stupidest mistakes. EVER. I was bored one Saturday  so I thought of doing some weekend fun. My idea was to code my personal web…

My FB Like Button Issue

So I’ve been dealing with Facebook’s like button error for a while. FB offers an easy way of putting a Like button in your WordPress theme by using a configurator which will give you codes once you input some needed info. I got it from here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ and I thought I just messed up some…

WP Dev’t Motivation

So I came across this awesome presentation called Strategy for a successful WordPress project by Wes Chyrchel. A web developer has to be confident, a salesman, a psychologist, a counselor, a marketer, a charlatan, a designer, a programmer, a researcher, a hacker, a project manager, cool tempered and a human. The presentation gave great simple tips…