KatPadi's Point

Category: Code

TIL about wp_list_pluck

Today I learned about a powerful WordPress function that can create a new array from an object. According to its WP Codex description, it does the ff: Pluck a certain field out of each object in a list (Kind of a straightforward definition lol) // Say this is our array $player_info = array( array( ‘name’ => ‘Kobe Bryant’,…

The Struggle Is Rails

Late last year, I’ve decided to put “Learn A New Language” in my goals for 2014. I thought I had all the confidence to do it– to take another step towards improving my programming skills tremendously, and learn another language. My officemates know Rails (Ruby) and I can easily ask them whenever they’re free. One…

.gitignore All The Files!

This is an example of a .gitignore file that will ignore all files except the ones you specify. This is what I’ve been using for my WordPress development. Note: This is a product of constant research (aka Google-ing) and failed development practices. /* !.gitignore !themes themes/* !themes/katpadi-theme The first line says that it will ignore ALL…

My First Lines of Rails

Parents usually take a picture of their baby’s first haircut. Me? I am not a parent so I don’t. Instead, I blog about the first lines of codes that I write when I’m learning a new language. So I was asked to help for a particular Rails project! Yay. The issues for me were just simple…

My RoR Primer

They say learning never stops. I couldn’t agree more. Coincidentally, my boss thinks this way as well so he advised me to read on Python and/or Ruby on Rails. My officemate suggested this e-book called Learn Ruby on Rails by Daniel Kehoe. Heh. The tutorial is VERY straight-forward. The author tells you a little something,…